Bjam!!!! Check it out.
Sick sad little world





Die and Burn




Its kinda silly to think that I have actually wasted any time at all on this website. I am really the only home boy that reads it, which is kinda odd because I made it thus I should know by heart what is on it, but I still view it quite frequently. Anyway! Life is gut, I guess, could be worse. Rehab Rainbow is out and is kinda down so if you see him, be cool, don't be mean. He needs a hug I think. Oh yeah and Incubus is still the shiznit.



No more Curse words!





"The difference between a man and a boy is, a boy wants to grow up to be a fireman, but a man wants to grow up to be a giant monster fireman."

-Jack Handy

The Rules

* Whatever I say goes.

* Never disagree with my views, which should be laws, or face beating will commence.

* Commence is a cool word. Here it is used in a sentence: Commence is a cool word. Never use commence in an uncool way.

* If you have any problems, e-mail me, although I most likely will not read your e-mail because I am too lazy and your problem with anything on my site is probably stupid.  

E-Mail 5000



Today, Friday August 13th, 2004 is a day to remember. Today Julia Child, the cook who loved to get drunk and slur her words while cooking, died. Oh sure, she was really really old and I'm not too suprised that the old bitty bit the dust but we still must remember what she taught us! She taught us how to cook! And how to laugh! Well really we already knew how to laugh, she just made it easier for us to her. Ha! Well Julia we will all miss you, especially Alyssa and I, in time Julia we will get over you. Well probably in a few minutes but for those few minutes we will kind of be down. GOODBYE, JULIA!

P.S. Look at the crazy picture of the crazy lady, wasn't she crazy? Crazy crazy crazy.



Page last updated September 14th, 2004.