Take me to your leader, or die by fly guy!
Sick sad little world





Die and Burn



The Low Down

Ok this page is dedicated to whatever the HECK you find on this page. So live with it, or die, really it is your choice.

Corporate BUTTholes..

I took this pic when I was fighting the Loch Ness Monster but you know how that goes.

  Too little time.

There is too little time to tell you all I would like to say...So I wont say anything at all!

A little something for everyone.

Al Franken is the man. Read his book "Lies and the lying liars who tell them".


This is one of my favorite images

Mountains rule.


This is a picture of the setting sun, THE LAST SUNSET EVER. Because I am going to blow that STUFF right out of the sky...Enjoy!


Last updated September 14th, 2004.